100 Days Path

Many of the entries in this blog are my diary entries as I work my way through the book 100 Days of Weight Loss: The Secret to Being Successful on any Diet Plan by Linda Spangle.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 3: Do it anyway

Yesterday I was successful in my endeavor to work my shift at the community fair and NOT partake of any of the yummy but oh-so-fattening "fair food." Before I left the house, I emptied a package of Medifast Puffs into a small ziploc bag, a package of Medifast Pretzels into another bag and filled my large travel cup with a mixture of Sugar Free Red Bull, unsweetened iced tea and ice.

I ate the MF Puffs on the way to the fair location and drank the drink during my 2-hour shift. I worked the booth with two other women, both of whom ate an ice cream cone in the booth. I was not tempted.

I do admit, though, that I was VERY tempted by the people who visited our booth who were carrying elephant ears. The site and smell of them made my stomach growl but I told myself there will be days in the future when I can enjoy an elephant ear, but NOT today.

Immediately after my shift, I left the fair and did not walk around to look at other booths, etc. I had some shopping to do so I ate the pretzels on my way to the store.

When I got home, I was very hungry so I made a large salad with lots of shrimp on top and I dug in!

Last time that I was on MF, I would plan "cheat" days to give me something to look forward to. I've heard that you should not reward yourself with food but rather with something else in order to create new and healthier habits. I've tried thinking that way but it didn't work. I KNOW that I will not be successful on this if I don't allow myself to step off now and then. Otherwise, due to the large amount of weight that I need to lose, it feels in my head like a never-ending road of limited food choices.

This time around, I am not using the word "cheat" in my head but rather I am using the word "detour" to describe the times or days I will stop off my weight loss plan and enjoy some of my favorite foods.

Right now I have no definite day in the future planned for my first Detour. I do know that it will probably be within the next week as I doubt I will be able to contentedly stay on plan for too many more consecutive days. I keep repeating the popular addiction-recovery mantra in my head "one day at a time." I also repeat the phrase from Day 1 of the book I'm reading:

I used to be that way but now I'm different.

Right now only my husband knows that I am back on the weight-loss road. I told my brother-in-law about how Medifast works and that I was going to go back on it last week so he will probably notice my food choices the next time we are together and ask me about it. I'm ok talking with him about it but will ask him to keep it quiet.

I'm already growing nervous and anxious about people starting to notice my weight loss and inevitable comments and/or questions about it. But I cannot let my abhorrence of talking about the subject of my weight to derail my again. I HAVE to get over it!

Day 3: Do it Anyway

This chapter further talks about the ways in which being interested in something differs from being truly committed to it. The author gives examples of getting up off the couch and exercising even though you don't feel like it, or taking the time to prepare healthy meals that fit your weight-loss plan even though you don't feel like it.

Oh, do I EVER get that!!

So many days, I don't feel like getting up and exercising. And too often, I don't. But I NEVER regret when I do exercise and ALWAYS regret it when I don't. And regrets lead to stress. Seems to be a pretty simple equation in there, dontcha think? Oh, of it were only that easy.

So far today, I have pretty much spent it on the couch watching old movies and either blogging or playing games on my laptop. A bit part of this is that I woke up this morning with a giant allergy attack and headache and just cannot get motivated. After I write this, I am going to go take a short nap in hopes it will help with the headache. Later this evening I WILL exercise on my treadmill, even if I only do one mile.

So today I will do it anyway.


In your journal, make a list of actions you plan to stick with today, regardless of how you feel at the moment.

Today I am going to stick to my diet plan, regardless that I don't feel well and would love some "comfort food."

Yesterday's Foods:

AM: Medifast Oatmeal, triple iced latte

Noon: Medifast Caramel Crunch Bar

1:30pm: Medifast Puffs, SF Red Bull mixed with unsweetened iced tea

4:30pm: Medifast Pretzels, Diet Barqs Root Beer

6pm: large salad with baby shrimp, sharp shredded cheddar cheese, 4 green olives, sunflower seeds. I did have my high fat blue cheese dressing that I love as well as my favorite croutons.

Dessert: 1 SF Popsicle

8pm: SF Hawaiian Punch

Late night: 2 SF Popsicles

Exercise: Treadmill 46 min, 2-2.5 speed, 2% incline, 1.75 miles, 209 calories burned

down .4lbs from previous day, down 5.4lbs since starting back on MF, down 10.0lbs from heaviest weight

(Note: I wrote this entry several days ago and then got very busy with work and have not been able to get back here to edit it and post it. I did NOT exercise on the day I wrote this as I promised myself. I did go down for a nap but was very lethargic after I got up and still had a bad headache.)

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